Dental health is vital

Understanding Gum Disease: Your Questions Answered

by Felecia Butler

Do you have questions about gum disease? You're not alone. In fact, gum disease is a very common issue that affects the dental health of people around the globe. But what exactly is gum disease? And what steps can you take to prevent it? Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know.

What Exactly Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease occurs due to an infection of the gums that can gradually destroy the tissue and bone that support your teeth. If this condition isn't untreated, it may lead to tooth loss. While gum disease is usually painless in its early stages, more advanced stages can cause bad breath, bleeding gums and pain when chewing.

The two types of gum disease are periodontitis and gingivitis. Gingivitis is the milder form of the two and is characterised by symptoms like redness, swelling and bleeding gums. Periodontitis is more severe and can lead to damage to the tissues and bone supporting your teeth.

Who Is At Risk Of Gum Disease?

Anyone can get gum disease, but there are certain factors that make you more susceptible to it. These include smoking or using other tobacco products; diabetes, Bruxism (teeth grinding); pregnancy; crooked teeth or a misaligned bite; a family history of gum disease; certain medications (like estrogen replacements or drugs for heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer or schizophrenia) and a dry mouth.

How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Thankfully, there are some simple actions you can take that will help to prevent gum disease or keep it from getting worse. These include:

  • Quitting smoking or using other tobacco products
  • Maintaining excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing
  • Using an antibacterial mouthwash daily
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks
  • Seeing your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings
  • Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C and D
  • Controlling chronic conditions like diabetes by changing your lifestyle and using medication


Gum disease is a dental issue that should not be taken lightly. If you believe you may have gum disease, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible. And remember to brush and floss, and use an antibacterial mouthwash regularly. It is also a good idea to avoid sugary foods and drinks, eat a balanced diet, see your dentist regularly for dental cleaning and checkups and control chronic conditions like diabetes. For more info and advice, contact a local dentist today.
