Dental health is vital

4 Teeth Whitening Aftercare Tips

by Felecia Butler

After a teeth whitening procedure, many people want the effects to last for as long as possible before their next appointment. Once the dentist performs the treatment, the rest of the care routine solely relies on you.

The following are some post-treatment care tips to help you maintain your pearly whites for longer.

Avoid Colored Dental Care Products

Mouthwash and toothpaste come in various colours, such as blue, purple or orange. But unfortunately, these products can easily discolour your newly whitened teeth. Remember that after a whitening procedure, your teeth are still porous. Therefore, your teeth easily absorb colour from anything they get into contact with. 

Instead, use white or light-coloured products for your dental care routine to enjoy longer-lasting teeth whitening effects. 

Stay Away From Colored Food And Beverages

Coloured foods and beverages contain also concentrated amounts of artificial or natural colours that can easily stain your teeth. Examples of such foods and drinks include things like:

  • Dark sodas
  • Beers
  • Tea and coffee
  • Red wine
  • Dark chocolate
  • Berries and cherries

Avoid any substance that will stain your teeth, especially within the first few hours after your whitening procedure. If you have to drink, use a straw to ensure that the coloured drinks do not come into contact with your teeth. 

If you can, only consume clear drinks for a while after your whitening procedure. This way, you'll reduce the chances of your whitened teeth getting stained from the consumption of coloured foods and beverages.

Keep to Regular Brushing And Flossing 

For your teeth to maintain their pearly white appearance, you have to take care of them through regular brushing and flossing. Immediately you eat, brush or rinse off your teeth to ensure that what you eat doesn't stain your teeth.

Although you may want to use whitening toothpaste after your appointment, it's advisable to refrain from using it. Whitening toothpaste contains tiny granules that erode your enamel over time. Simply use your regular fluoride toothpaste after your teeth whitening treatment.

In addition, make it a habit to floss regularly and rinse off your teeth afterwards. This way, you can eliminate plaque that can accumulate on your teeth and discolour them.

Maintain Follow-Up Appointments With Your Dentist

Regularly dental appointments are just as important after a teeth whitening procedure. Your dentist will inspect your teeth to monitor how well they respond to the whitening treatment.

During the visit, your dentist can also answer any questions you have about the state of your teeth. If you have any issues with sensitivity or discomfort after treatment, let your dentist know so they can offer lasting solutions.

In addition, your dentist can also educate you on the habits that could stain your teeth and how to avoid them. The dentist could also recommend professional teeth cleaning appointments to help keep your teeth healthy and retain their white colour. This way, you can maintain a brighter and healthier smile for longer.
