Dental health is vital

Primary Questions to Ask Before a Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

by Felecia Butler

Do you find it difficult to smile confidently because of your stained, crooked or gapped teeth? Cosmetic dentistry can fix these problems and more. Through this, you will revitalise your looks, enhance your smile, restore your confidence and improve social interactions. But before you schedule an appointment for a complete smile makeover, it is crucial to understand vital things about your dental treatment plan.

A good dentist needs to ensure that you are confident about the procedure you have chosen and the services you'll get. Here are questions you should ask your dentist before the cosmetic dentistry procedure is done.

Do You Qualify for the Treatment?

Whether you intend to enhance your smile slightly or do a complete makeover, it's vital to talk to your dentist to confirm if you qualify for the treatment. The dentist will assess the state of your gums and teeth, your dental needs and the desired results to provide a straightforward answer. 

If you have a treatable oral health condition like gum disease, the dentist will provide a customised treatment plan or recommend another cosmetic dentistry procedure that suits you better.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Are Available?

Today, you can consider various cosmetics solutions for different dental issues. If your teeth are stained, you may need teeth whitening. Dental implants are for missing teeth, while dental crowns protect cracked teeth. 

Other procedures the dentist may recommend include dental veneers, inlays and onlays, dental bonding and braces. The dentist will share the key details on the available treatment options and work with you to pick the most suitable procedure for your dental problem.

How Much Will You Pay?

Many patients assume that all cosmetic dentistry procedures are expensive, and that's why they're hesitant to discuss the price. The truth is that many treatment plans are affordable, and even if the required upfront cost is high, the dentist may have a reasonable solution. What's more, the rates vary depending on the desired treatment and how long it'll take. 

So, find out how much you'll be expected to pay and share your financial plan, too. Don't be discouraged if the price is high. A good dentist should make a final plan that suits your financial capability and treatment expectations. Also, ask for the payment options they accept and choose the method that suits you best.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

Due to the current dentistry and technology advancements, cosmetic dentistry procedures are safer. That being said, it's crucial to ask the dentist if there are any risks. Learning the pros and cons of the treatment will also help you make an informed decision.
