Dental health is vital

What You Need to Know About Tooth Staining

by Felecia Butler

Many people crave a dazzling white smile that others will love. Although treatments such as tooth whitening are available, a lot of the best ways to approach achieving a brighter smile start at home. By learning more about tooth staining, you can keep your teeth white with minimal effort.

Tea and Coffee Are Problematic

Most people are aware that drinking coffee causes discolouration. This is because your teeth are slightly porous. Over time, the darkness of your coffee will seep into those pores and cause stains that only professional whitening can lift.

But, did you know that teas of all colours are problematic too? Many teas weaken the enamel on your teeth. As a result, they become easier to stain by other dark drinks and foods. You don't need to stop drinking tea altogether, but you should moderate your intake.

Charcoal Isn't Worth It

Charcoal can play a role in diminishing toxins. In some medical settings, it's a tool for reversing poisoning. However, charcoal may not whiten your teeth or improve your oral health as well as other methods.

While your dentist may not recommend using charcoal, they can offer advice on a toothpaste that's right for you. Some may even suggest natural alternatives if you prefer to use them.

Straws Don't Always Save You

It may feel tempting to stick to your usual dark drinks and use a straw to bypass staining. Unfortunately, straws aren't as effective as you think they are.

Whether you're using a straw or not, the liquid you drink will move around your mouth before you swallow it. There will also be some residual particles left behind after you swallow. So, if you're really serious about keeping your teeth free from stains, you must carefully monitor what you drink.

Professional Cleaning Works Wonders

Try not to think of tooth whitening treatments as your only option for a bright smile. If you're attending your dental appointments regularly, you can add professional cleaning to the mix too.

Professional cleaning can address the surface stains that are making your teeth look dull. When it comes to deeper stains, you may need to use a whitening treatment. Always use a dentist for teeth whitening courses. Off-the-shelf products may not provide the whitening effects you're looking for.

When you understand more about tooth staining, you can make lifestyle choices that keep your smile bright. Alongside visiting your dentist, this is an excellent way to make your smile dazzling. Contact a dentist to learn more. 
