Dental health is vital

6 Ways to Make Tooth Whitening Treatments Last

by Felecia Butler

Tooth whitening procedures can produce dramatic results, but many people find that their newly bright smile quickly fades. To extend the effects of professional teeth whitening treatments, follow these six tips.

1. Abstain From Smoking

Smoking is notorious for causing yellowish stains to build up on teeth. However, other ways of getting your nicotine fix, such as vaping or using a nicotine patch, do not have the same effect. Use one of these methods to help you wean yourself off cigarettes. You might find you can kick the habit entirely, which will bring benefits to your oral and overall health.

2. Stay Away From Staining Drinks

Many people know that red wine and black coffee cause dental staining, but did you know that black tea can also cause teeth to lose their bright whiteness? Drinking your tea or coffee with a splash of milk can reduce its staining effect, or you could switch to herbal teas instead.

3. Rethink Your Diet

Some richly coloured foods, such as black licorice and blueberries, directly stain teeth. Meanwhile, foods that are high in sugar encourage oral bacteria to multiply in your mouth, leading to a buildup of yellow plaque and tartar. To keep teeth white and healthy, eat a diet that is low in sugar, high in fresh vegetables and avoid snacking on foods that leave a stain on your teeth.

4. Rinse After Eating

If you do end up indulging in a favourite stain-inducing food or drink, don't worry. You can reduce the potential for staining by washing your mouth out with plain water after meals and snacks. This simple lifestyle tip removes traces of food from your teeth, reducing their ability to leave stains.

5. Floss Every Day

Sometimes, a yellow tinge to your smile indicates that you have a lot of tartar on your teeth. This scaly substance builds up if you do not remove plaque from your teeth every day. Brushing alone is unlikely to remove all the plaque. You need to floss as well to eliminate plaque from the tiny spaces between your teeth.

6. Use a Daily Whitening Toothpaste

When your teeth are brilliantly white after a tooth whitening procedure, you might not think about using whitening toothpaste. However, this is arguably the most important time to reach for a toothpaste that offers a whitening benefit. It is much easier to prevent stains from building up on teeth than to remove them once they have set in. Whitening toothpaste uses gentle abrasion to loosen stain-causing particles from teeth so your smile stays whiter for longer.
