Dental health is vital

Before You Throw Out The Baking Soda

by Felecia Butler

Cleaning the pantry is necessary because you occasionally need to get rid of ingredients that have outlived their shelf-life or because mum says you've got to do it.

During the cleaning exercise, you're likely to bump into a box of baking soda, or perhaps two. If it's not expired, here's what you should before you send baking soda flying into the trash bin.

Bake Yourself Something

You should reward yourself for a job well done. A chocolate cake or coconut biscuits can be the ultimate way to thank yourself once the pantry is sparkling. Not to mention that you'll need to replenish your energy reserves.

If you didn't happen to come across baking powder in the pantry, you can make a home-made version of it using the baking soda. This is done by mixing baking soda with a cream of tartar. You can add some corn flour into this mixture (if available). The resultant mixture can be used in place of baking powder for the baking exercise. Perhaps this would be a good time to try out a new recipe. Choose a recipe and nickname it "clean pantry" so you remember it next time you have to clean.

Brush Your Teeth

Once you've enjoyed your treat, it would be a good idea to brush your teeth. The "clean pantry" recipe is bound to contain sugary food particles that will easily get trapped between in between your teeth and gums. Brushing teeth immediately reduces the amount of time allowed for oral bacteria to start breaking down the sugary particles.

You can make your own "clean pantry" toothpaste using some of the baking soda that may have remained after baking. Add several spoons of baking soda into an empty cup and add some vinegar or lemon juice to it. Stir the mixture well and add baking powder/vinegar (as required) until you have a smooth paste, which you'll use for brushing. This should give your teeth a more thorough clean.

For more information on the dental benefits of baking soda or if you have any questions, check with a dentist like those at Surfers Dental Centre.

Clean The Aprons

The aprons you used when cleaning the pantry and when baking are likely to have all manner of stains, some of which may have dried up, making them difficult to remove.

Soak the aprons in a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar for about half an hour before you throw them into the washing machine. They should come out stain-free.
