Dental health is vital

3 Non-Surgical Ways to Restore Your Smile

by Felecia Butler

Having good teeth and a shining smile can really help to change the way you see yourself and give yourself confidence a boost. If you have discoloured or misshapen teeth, you might be embarrassed to smile in public and avoid situations in which people might see your teeth. However, there are a range of non-surgical dental treatments which can restore your smile and your confidence. Advancements in dentistry mean that these treatments don't cause too much pain or take too much time to complete.

Reshaping and Contouring

Reshaping and contouring of the teeth is a procedure which is designed to repair structural problems and damage to your teeth, such as uneven or chipped areas. Your dentist will use a drill to remove small layers of tooth enamel, until the tooth is a uniform shape. The dentist will then apply a coat of tooth polish for a smooth finish. You may experience a little discomfort during the procedure, and your teeth may feel sensitive for a few days afterwards. Reshaping and contouring makes your teeth look more pleasing to the eye, as imperfections are removed making your teeth match each other, restoring both your smile and your confidence.


No matter how well you brush your teeth, over time your teeth will become stained by the food and drink you consume. The easiest way to remove unsightly stains from your teeth is by having them bleached. If you decide to get your teeth bleached, your dentist will use a tool to apply whitening chemicals directly to your teeth to restore them to their former glory. Bleaching causes almost no irritation to the mouth and provides almost instant results with a minimal recovery time. Your teeth may feel sensitive for a few days after the procedure but this should soon pass, allowing you to enjoy your new smile.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a special cap which is fitted over the top of a broken or misshapen tooth. They are usually made from ceramic, metal or dental composite. Dental crowns can help to restore your bite and help to eliminate the pain and sensitively associated with broken teeth as well as making your mouth more aesthetically pleasing.

If you are interested in restoring your smile and you have any questions about these procedures, you should contact a dental professional who will be able to assess your oral health and offer advice and treatment.
