Dental health is vital

Reasons You May Require a Root Canal

by Felecia Butler

A root canal is a form of treatment administered by an endodontist to remedy an infected tooth. The procedure constitutes the removal of the tooth's pulp followed by subsequent cleaning and sterilisation to prevent further infection. Once the procedure is complete, the endodontist will seal the tooth. When most people think of root canal therapy, they tend to associate it with tooth decay. Although this is one of the common causes, it is not the only reason why you may need to get this type of treatment. Here are some of the other reasons why you may require a root canal.

A fractured tooth

The severity of a fractured tooth is what will determine whether or not you require root canal therapy. There are several different ways that your tooth may crack. If the tooth has craze lines, which are longitudinal cracks on your tooth, you may not need to have root canal therapy. The endodontist will assess the tooth and establish whether the score lines only extend to the enamel or if they have made their way to the pulp of your tooth. If these fractures are located only on the surface of your tooth, then a root canal will not be necessary. On the other hand, if the tooth has acquired fractures that extend to its cusp, then you will be suffering from a cuspal fracture. This would require root canal therapy to ensure that your tooth does not develop a bacterial infection. In the event that the cuspal fracture is extensive, the endodontist may opt for tooth extraction.

A fractured root

Cracks in your teeth are not limited to the top of the tooth alone. In some instances, high impact may cause the root of your tooth to fracture while leaving the rest of the tooth intact. This should not be ignored though. Constant use of your teeth by chewing and grinding will eventually lead to the spread of the fracture from the root to the tooth. Since root fractures may not be visible to the naked eye, it is best to visit an endodontist when you are experiencing unexplainable pain in your tooth. They can carry out x-rays to determine whether you do have a root fracture, and they can also establish the extent of the damage. It is prudent to have root fractures treated in the shortest time possible. Leaving them unattended could lead to the necrosis of your tooth, as the nerves located in the root will die.
