Dental health is vital

How to Recover After a Root Canal

by Felecia Butler

A root canal is performed when you have infected tissue deep within a tooth that needs to be removed. While it is a common dental procedure and one that doesn't have many risks, it is important that you follow the endodontist's aftercare instructions. Here are some tips for recovering after a root canal.

Take a Pain Reliever Before the Anesthesia Wears Off

When you get a root canal, the endodontist will numb the area with local anesthesia. This doesn't put you to sleep, but ensures you don't feel any pain during the procedure. It will likely last a little while longer after the procedure is performed, but you might feel some discomfort once it wears off. It is good to take your pain reliever before it wears off as it helps to reduce the amount of pain you experience. Since pain and discomfort can slow down the healing process, it is important to stay as comfortable as possible. Over-the-counter pain relievers are usually enough with most root canals.

Be Careful What You Eat

You should also be careful with what you eat after having a root canal. Make sure you don't chew on that side of your mouth for a few days or however long your dentist has advised. It is a good idea to start with liquids and soft foods, such as smoothies, yogurt, and mashed potatoes. You will soon be ready to eat more solid foods, but you should still practice caution. There is a temporary filling in the tooth, but it could break or fall out if you try to chew hard or crunchy foods with that tooth.

Keep the Area Clean

It is important that you keep your mouth clean and practice good oral hygiene after a root canal. You should still be able to floss and brush your teeth the da of the root canal procedure. You want to be careful when flossing around that tooth, but still brush the tooth, including over the temporary filling. Just be careful with how much pressure you use. Keeping your mouth clean is very important to the recovery process, helps prevent infection, and can help you avoid further root canals.

Return to Your Dentist as Instructed

The root canal does not stop with the procedure itself. Make sure you return to your dentist (like those at Shellharbour City Dental) as instructed to get the tooth prepared for a crown. The tooth is now dead and weakened, which means it could break if you aren't careful. It will need a crown to protect the tooth as the temporary filling won't last forever.
