Dental health is vital

How to Naturally Prevent Yellow Teeth

by Felecia Butler

Cosmetic whitening, bleaching agents and specialist toothpastes are the common answer to yellow teeth. However, in order to effectively treat staining, it's important to understand where it comes from in the first place. There are several factors that can contribute, including genetics, diet and oral hygiene. These tips will not only help you remedy yellow teeth, but also find out where you're going wrong.

What Causes Yellow Teeth?

Certain foods and drinks will break down enamel and expose a pale brown substance underneath called dentin. While thick enamel is white, thin enamel will cause the dentin to show through. Enamel naturally weakens with age; however, acidic food and drink, such as candy and soda, will erode the surface faster. Other causes include excessive coffee consumption, smoking and eating between meals. In some cases, yellow teeth are simply unavoidable due to an influence beyond your control: genetics, the natural thickness of your enamel, medical procedures such as radiation and chemotherapy.

In most circumstances simple lifestyle changes are all that's required. Quitting smoking, cutting back on coffee, eating a nutritious balanced diet and improving your oral hygiene will significantly reduce yellowness. Having your teeth cleaned by a professional once every six months is also highly beneficial.

Are There Any Natural Tooth Whiteners?

Strawberries are very high in vitamin C, which is a natural defence against plaque. They also contain a stain remover called malic acid. Additionally, salt is a sterile abrasive that can be used to scrub away surface particles. To create a makeshift whitening solution, mash up two or three strawberries with a pinch of salt. Apply a generous portion to your toothbrush and scrub your teeth. Let the mixture sit for five minutes, and then rinse it away with water.

Alternatively, you could use coconut oil. This technique is known as "oil pulling." While it won't act as a bleaching agent, the luric acid contained in coconut will help to rid your teeth of the bacteria which causes yellowness. Simply put a teaspoon of coconut oil into your mouth each morning and swish it around for a few minutes. Afterwards, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.

Do You Need Cosmetic Treatment?

Unless there's an underlying physical condition, few people "need" cosmetic treatment. In most circumstances good oral hygiene is all it takes. Always consult your dentist before having a cosmetic teeth whitening procedure. Your dentist may recommend an alternative course of action and give you advice on how to keep yellowness at bay in the future.
