Dental health is vital

Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist About Invisalign

by Felecia Butler

When you first learn about Invisalign as an orthodontic treatment to give you the straighter smile you've always wanted, it is very easy to get excited about it all and be eager to book the appointment and get started with the procedure. When you want something fixed about yourself, and you find a relatively simple way of doing it, don't you just want to hurry up and get it started? 

Invisalign is such a great treatment to help straighten out crooked teeth, and being quicker and less obvious than regular braces, it's a treatment that many people are turning to in a bid to get that dazzling Hollywood smile. 

However, there are questions you really do need to bear in mind before you get started with any sort of cosmetic dentistry, and there will often be questions you won't have thought of asking your dentist. 

What if I already have regular braces? Can I switch to Invisalign? 

There are many people out there currently being treated with a combination of both 'regular' braces and Invisalign, so it is well worth getting in touch with your dentist to find out if you could speed up the procedure and work with a mix of the two. 

Can I have Invisalign if I have bridges? 

When you have a bridge, it is designed to firmly link together and hold two or more teeth. When you bear this in mind, you can understand why Invisalign would be less effective, as the bridge work causes the movement of the teeth to be met with a lot more resistance. 

You will need to discuss with your dentist whether or not Invisalign would be a good idea for you if you have already had bridge work completed. 

Can I have Invisalign if I have crowns? 

Although crowns will not normally pose a problem with patients looking to have Invisalign orthodontic treatments, attachments and bonds occasionally used during the treatment will have a harder time sticking to the crown than the teeth, so again, this needs to be something discussed with your dentist. 

Will I need to wear a retainer after having Invisalign? 

In some cases yes, you will need to wear a retainer after your Invisalign procedure. This is something that will be dependant on your specific case and is a conversation you'll need to have with your dentist. 

In the majority of cases, the final aligner you have with your Invisalign treatment will be the retainer your dentist will advise you to wear, and you may only need to wear it for small portions of your day. Again, your dentist can advise you. 

There are many questions you will have before you begin your Invisalign treatment, and hopefully, this will have answered some of them. If you have any further questions, get in touch with your dentist.

