Dental health is vital

What You Need To Know About Dental Implants Before Making A Choice

by Felecia Butler

Are you considering if dental implants are the right choice for you, but you don't have enough information to make an informed decision? Then take the time to familiarise yourself with what dental implants involve on the day of the treatment and the different treatment options available to you. By doing so, you will be prepared for the treatment and completely satisfied that you are making the right choice. With that thought in mind, here is some must-know information on dental implants:

What Are Dental Implants And How Do They Work

The concept of dental implants is simple – there is a metal framework built into the jawbone under the gums. Then onto this framework implants can be inserted. The advantage of dental implants is that they will be held in your mouth so firmly that you can eat and speak without the fear of your implant falling out – this could be very embarrassing if it were to happen at an inconvenient time. Furthermore, the lack of maintenance required means you'll need to visit the dentist for checkups less frequently. Therefore, over the long run, dental implants can be a cheaper option than other tooth replacement ones.

To increase the chances of successfully receiving dental implants, your jaw structure and gums must be healthy. This will ensure that the resulting support for the dental implant is strong, and that the jawbone or gums do not become damaged during the installation of the metal framework.

Types Of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants, which are as follows:

  1. Subperiosteal: this type is made of a metal framework that is surgically inserted on top of the jawbone and just underneath the gums. During the healing of the gums, the frame will become part of the jaw bone. There are posts that go through the gum tissue, and the implants can be connected to these posts.
  2. Endosteal: this type of implant will be fitted within the jawbone itself. Once the gum tissue that surrounds the metal framework heals, another surgery will need to take place that connects the posts to the metal framework. Then an implant can be inserted onto the posts.

The type of treatment that is selected should depend on the health of your jawbone and gums. Therefore, your dentist can make a professional recommendation after analysing both.

For more information, contact a business such as Longano Bruno V. Dr.
